Ladies Ministry
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The purpose of this ministry is to promote spiritual maturity, glorify God and lead others to Christ; to become actively involved as a group of Christian women for the growth and welfare of the Church; to support and show concern for each lady.


To seek and save those who are lost (Matthew 28:19)

Core Group (Planning Committee):

This committee is composed of the Elders' wives and the Minister's wife with one of these ladies appointed as chairperson on a rotating basis. Other committees are formed as needed.


Ladies of the North Tenneha Church of Christ who desire to be involved.


  1. To increase the knowledge of God's word. To help the ladies commit to Christ.
  2. Provide and promote Christian fellowship among the ladies of the Church.
  3. Provide activities in which biblical knowledge can be practiced through effective sharing of one's faith and by responsible Christian living.
  4. Help each lady to grow and understand the importance of being an instrument of God.
  5. Plan an annual Ladies Day program/retreat.
  6. Plan trips that will help in uniting the group as well as involvement.
  7. Plan or attend an annual conference/workshop.
  8. Teach and develop ways to help the younger women to conduct themselves in a spiritual manner.
  9. Assist with the duties of the Church as deemed appropriate by the Elders and Minister.
  10. Shall operate under the direction of the Elders and Minister.

Ladies Bible Class
Food Service


North Tenneha Church of Christ
1701 North Tenneha Avenue
Tyler, Texas 75702
Church Phone: (903) 593-6868
Church FAX: (903) 592-8992


small groups
